Decent work

Social sustainability means good working and living conditions as well as upholding internationally recognized human rights. It is especially important for our labor-intensive business that this is ensured for our employees and across our entire supply chain.

Through our commitment to people and communities in the countries where we produce, we aim to motivate our employees with efficient business processes and to raise their quality of life through social benefits.

Key sustainability issues:

  • Human rights and working conditions
  • Occupational safety and health

Overarching goal:

  • Positioning as an attractive employer and supporting local communities in the vicinity of our production facilities

Our contribution to sustainable development

Good health and well-being

Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for everyone at all ages

Gender equality

Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls

Decent work and economic growth

Promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment as well as decent work for all

Our targets as an attractive employer


Quota of women in leadership positions by 2040


Quota of non-German citizens in management positions by 2030


Qualification of all LEONI employees with two learning activities by 2025

Acting respectfully, fairly and openly

The right to an attractive place of work is guaranteed for all LEONI employees through the corporate values and group-wide rules for example such as the LEONI Code of Conduct and thus forms an integral part of our corporate culture. LEONI focuses particularly on employee satisfaction, qualifications and social projects in the communities of its staff. They apply in addition to minimum standards such as a ban on discrimination of any kind, the freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining and the fulfilment of the statutory minimum requirements for remuneration, occupational safety, occupational health as well as working hours and holidays in the countries in question. At LEONI, around 95,200 employees the world over contribute to the mobility of the future every single day. The creation of good working conditions for our employees is one of the main pillars of our success. For this reason, we are continuously working to remain attractive and future-oriented as an employer, and we take responsibility for our staff, taking their living conditions into account.

"Sustainability targets can only be successful if they are put into action by employees with a longstanding commitment."

Living up to and enhancing diversity

Diversity enriches our corporate culture. We appreciate every person, regardless of gender, age, cultural background, sexual orientation, ethnic backgrounds and mindset. We regard our heterogeneous teams to be the key to being able to successfully master the tasks and challenges of our working world, which are becoming ever more complex. It is therefore also an important task to make our senior management more diverse. Our focus is furthermore on promoting women and their appropriate participation as well as on greater internationalization and improving the skills and training of our employees.

Promoting employees

We endeavour to offer every employee a motivating, supportive and constructive work environment. We are convinced that prospects stem only from a place where individual responsibility, creativity and know-how meet. To facilitate this in the best possible way, we have set ourselves the goal of offering each employee at least two learning activities (e.g. e-learning, training, education) per year as part of systematic continuing education.

Globally active part of the company

Our aspiration is to promote ecologically, socially and economically sustainable development outside our company as well. That's why we support people in the regions where our sites are located with a wide range of charitable projects that help make communities livable.

Social Projects

As part of ReWire People, we also strive to run at least one social project a year at all our locations and to thereby boost sustainable development ecologically, socially and commercially outside the Company, too. 

We would like to delve into three examples:


At one of our locations in Germany, we run an annual Christmas wishlist campaign to fulfil a Christmas wish of children in need. We collect the wishes of these children, and our colleagues can then buy them gifts and thereby bring them great happiness. In addition, we stage a raffle on the Christmas market, the proceeds from which are donated to facilities for disabled people, for example.


At the end of August, our colleagues collected more than 200 kilograms of food, toys and cleaning agents to improve the life of more than 400 puppies that are waiting for a home in the Evolución Animal A.C. dog shelter. This shelter is a non-profit society composed of volunteers from Yucatán and whose goal it is to bring about a change of mentality and awareness, to combat violence and discrimination in this federal state and to improve the well-being of these animals.


In collaboration with local medical facilities, we organised blood donation campaigns in both Stryi and Kolomyia. In total, about 130 staff members participated. The blood donation campaign in Stryi was run using the ‘Blood Center Bus’. This is a mobile laboratory that enables doctors to be closer to people who want to donate blood, as well as to those who need it.

Our occupational safety targets


Share of production facilities with certified occupational health and safety protection (ISO 45001) by 2025 (WSD)

Share of production facilities with certified occupational health and safety protection (ISO 45001) by 2028 (ACS)


Share of sites with annual occupational health and safety protection projects by 2025


Global accident rate - accidents at work per 100 employees by 2023

Safe working

The health of our employees is a precious asset. Their safety at our workplaces is a major precondition for reasonable working conditions. Our goal is to have all our production facilities certified to the ISO 45001 or comparable standards to keep the risk of injury also to semi-skilled employees as low as possible. It is a matter of avoiding accidents at work particularly in manual manufacturing.

"Occupational health management systems according to internationally recognized standards such as ISO 45001 are among the most important measures of occupational health and safety at LEONI."

As a business operating globally, LEONI has made it its mission to ensure observance of human rights, environmental protection and recognised labour standards at all LEONI facilities worldwide. Particularly important in this respect are the stipulations of the LEONI Code of Conduct and the LEONI Social Charter, which are applicable Group-wide. In our divisions, we have furthermore set up environmental protection and occupational safety management systems that are geared to the ISO 14001 (environmental protection) as well as ISO 45001 (occupational health and safety) certifications or standards. All our production sites are certified according to ISO 14001.

HSEE at LEONI: Principles for action

  • Socially and ecologically responsible action is a core corporate objective.
  •  Occupational safety, health and environmental protection are part of any management responsibility.
  • Providing safe and healthy places of work and working conditions to avoid work-related injuries and illnesses.
  • Ongoing improvement of measures relating to occupational safety, health and environmental protection.
  • Adhering to all binding obligations concerning occupational safety, health and environmental protection (legal and other requirements). The applicable national standards are our minimum requirement. und).
  • Establishing and promoting mutual trust through dialogue with all concerned interest groups; inside the company especially with our employees and their representatives.